Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It does not come from trees

This story is focused mainly to those who are still studying. This student came and told me her story which I felt rather sad.


N came to me one evening. She told me she had to quit her studies. I asked her why. She told me that she is financially tight. At that time, she was in her second year of studies and had one more year to go. She does not have enough money to pay for her tuition fees. She needs about RM15,000 a year for her studies. Initially, her father and elder sister said they will see her through. Infact, when she told me her decision to quit, her father and elder sister didnt know about it. I advised her to seek study loans. She said it is pointless as they will still be in a big problem, as the loan needs to be repaid.

She told me her father was working as a lorry assistant and she saw how tired her father looks after each delivery. And every night, the mother had to put all those medication on her father's tired muscles. Her father always put up a brave front so that she will continue to study hard. She has not missed any classes. There was a time, when she was using 2 sweaters, she was sick but she refused to miss any classes. She said, all this is money and she said her money didnt come from the tree nor does it fall from heaven. (Those were her exact words)

Also, her elder sister wanted to buy a house for the family (the current house is rented), so her sister needed the money to pay for the instalments.

The moral of the story is "please be appreciative." There are other people who does not have this opportunity to further their studies.