Sunday, November 16, 2008

Spare a thought for your parents Part 2

In 2007, I wrote about this family, Mr and Mrs S with 2 sons A and B, well now, I have the sequel.

A is now
working quite comfortably in a stainless steel company as a marketing executive. From what I heard, he gives some money to his mum and dad. Now, B. He is working currently as a delivery assistant. His work normally finishes about 4pm or so depending on whether they have delivered all the goods to the companies.

B earns about RM1200 per month, despite that, he doesnt pay for the car installment. Whenever he receives the letter from the bank, he ignores it and pretends that it doesnt exist. Once, A, the elder brother saw the letter and read it. He told his parents about it. Mrs S was furious, B had the installment lapsed for a month. A gave Mrs S money to pay to the bank, after all Mrs S was the guarantor. B lends his cars to his buddies. And when there is a traffic summons, he asks money from Mr S to pay the summons. A is hopping mad as B is simply abusive of the parents.

The other day, Mrs S was seen cleaning the car. B was sleeping at home. And from what I heard, Mr and Mrs S has been cleaning the car for B. B has refused to clean the car. When the car has no petrol, he gets the money from either the father or the mother.

Just a reminder, Mr S is a delivery assistant, he is now 70 years old, he has dreams of going on the China Tour with his wife. .......